Happy Christmas

15 December 2023

De Ferranti wishes their Customers and Suppliers a very Happy Christmas and a Joyous New Year

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind.To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy,is to have the real spirit of Christmas. - Calvin Coolidge


Specialist in luxurious surfaces for floor and wall as well as architectural  elements, De Ferranti has been sourcing rare and unusual products for architects, designers and a range of international private clients for over a decade. No matter how large or small, simple or ornate the work, De Ferranti offers unique solutions for residential, commercial and yacht projects.

Many of the materials replicate the style of important historical buildings in Rome and Athens, often reviving decorative techniques - Scagliola, Opus Sectile and Cocciopesto  to name but a few - that are lost to the majority of today’s artisans. Other surfaces such as Jali work are collected further a field...from North Africa and the Middle East to India and South East Asia.


Reviving ancient techniques

Many of the materials replicate the style of important historical buildings in Rome and Athens, often reviving decorative techniques - Scagliola, Opus Sectile and Cocciopesto  to name but a few - that are lost to the majority of today’s artisans. Other surfaces such as Jali work are collected further a field...from North Africa and the Middle East to India and South East Asia.

Using modern methods

All of De Ferranti’s handpicked craftsmen are adept at combining old methods with modern technology to create products that are ideal for contemporary interiors. With eco-consciousness of the utmost importance, De Ferranti is also sourcing, reclaiming and reinventing materials where possible and can provide, for example, reclaimed teak flooring and tiles recreated from exquisite sea and freshwater shells.

Seeking new solutions

De Ferranti’s customers are highly discerning individuals in search of distinctive decoration, which is why the product range is constantly being supplemented to answer this demand. Many clients seek the ultimate in opulent surfaces, but exclusive needn’t always be expensive. There are a number of stock products such as honed and textured limestone that provide affordable luxury.

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December 2023

15 December 2023

Happy Christmas

De Ferranti wishes their Customers and Suppliers a very Happy Christmas and a Joyous New Year more..

February 2023

2 February 2023

Ferranti Interiors Online Design

Introducing Ferranti Interiors more..

September 2011

29 September 2011

De Ferranti's Mosaic Workshop is a hit at Decorex 2011

Wow What a Show ! GBP 2,711.08 for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity ! more..

January 2010

15 January 2010

Refurb Complete !

Phase I of the De Ferranti - Paris Ceramics showroom refurbishment is now complete more..

March 2009

30 March 2009

De Ferranti Limited Purchases Paris Ceramics

Luxury wall and floor specialist De Ferranti adds Paris Ceramics to his globally focused tile and surfaces business more..

February 2009

27 February 2009

De Ferranti introduces new skills to their ever growing portfolio

The vast array of skills available at De Ferranti are astonishing more..

11 February 2009

Antique Reclaimed Dalles de Bourgogne Limestone flooring

Why go all the way to Paris when you can go around the corner to purchase our Antique Reclaimed Dalles de Bourgogne Limestone flooring ! more..

December 2008

3 December 2008

De Ferranti go to Dubai with Elegance

De Ferranti, in conjunction with Terres Cuites de Raujolles, exhibit once again at Index Dubai. Our 'Elegance' range of Metallic Glazed Ceramic tiles will be one of the highlights. Having had a very successful show in 2006 it made sense to return. more..

November 2008

11 November 2008

De Ferranti go to Russia with love and specialist surfaces

We are exhibiting at the exclusive Millionaire Fair - 27th to 30th November 2008 at the Crocus Expo, Moscow more..

September 2008

25 September 2008

De Ferranti wins BIDA award for Tobacco Crackle shell

De Ferranti's delicious crackle shell is the latest opulent finish for luxury interiors more..

August 2008

1 August 2008

Orlando Boyne jumps on board to concentrate on UK sales and marketing

Orlando Boyne leaves Stanleys Quarry in the Cotswolds to join Alvaro Ziani de Ferranti’s new venture in London ... more..

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By Appointment

South Park Studios - Suite 10
88 Peterborough Road, London SW6 3HH
United Kingdom