
Knowledge is power and our glossary gives you superior knowledge

Here you will find a vast glossary-style resource of often scholarly terms relevant to anyone interested in the world of surfaces. Throughout this website we have referenced the glossary terms to the content, which means you'll be abe to look up a variety of content whilst using this website.

Glossary of the Day:

Neolithic architecture

Neolithic architecture is the architecture of the Neolithic period.more...

Popular Glossary items:


An eave is the edge of a roof. more..

Akrotiri (Santorini)

Akrotiri is the name of a Minoan settlement on the Greek island of Santorini. It was buried by a volcanic eruption in the 17th century BC, and as a result is remarkably well-preserved. more..


The mineral pyrite, or iron pyrite, is iron sulfide, FeS2. more..

Andrea della Robbia

Andrea della Robbia (October 24, 1435 - August 4, 1525) was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, especially in ceramics. more..


Fritware is a type of pottery more..


Mosaic is the art of decoration with small pieces of colored glass, stone or other material. more..

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