Rayonnant is a term used to a period in the French Gothic architectural style circa 1240-1350. more..
A reflecting pool is a structure often used in memorials. more..
Repoussé is a metalworking technique in which a malleable metal is ornamented or shaped by hammering from the reverse side. more..
Rock-cut architecture is the practice of creating buildings by carving natural rock. more..
Roman bridges, built by ancient Romans, were the first large and lasting bridges built. For a list, see Bridges in Rome. more..
A Roman theatre is a theatre building built by the Romans more..
Rose quartz is a type of quartz which exhibits a pale pink to rose red hue. more..
A rosette is a round, stylized flower design, used extensively in sculptural objects from antiquity. more..
Rustication is an architectural term that contrasts with ashlar, smoothly finished, squared block masonry surfaces. more..
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