I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura
I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura (The Four Books of Architecture) was published in 1570, in four volumes written by the architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), whose name is identified with an architectural movement named after him known as Palladian architecture. more..
Inca architecture is the most significant pre-Columbian architecture in South America. more..
Indo-Islamic (Mughal) architecture
Another distinctive sub-style is the architecture of the Mughal Empire in India in the 16th century and a fusion of Arabic, Persian and Hindu elements. more..
The Ionic order forms one of the three orders or organizational systems of classical architecture, the other two canonic orders being the Doric and the Corinthian. more..
Isabelline Gothic (in Spanish, Gótico Isabelino), is the name of an architectural style that was developed in Spain, during Isabella of Castile reign (1474 to 1505). more..
The Ishtar Gate was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon. It was constructed in about 575 BC by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II on the north side of the city. more..
Islamic architecture has encompassed a wide range of both secular and religious styles from the foundation of Islam to the present day, influencing the design and construction of buildings and structures within the sphere of Islamic culture. more..
Islamic calligraphy (calligraphy in Arabic is Khatt ul-Yad) is an aspect of Islamic art that has evolved alongside the religion of Islam and the Arabic language. more..
Iznik pottery, named after the town in western Anatolia where it was made, is highly decorated ceramics whose heyday was the late sixteenth century. more..
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