Cosmati pavement (section) consisting of Giallo Antico from Numidia, antique red Egyptian porphyry palombino from Asia Minor. 12th C. Inspired by flooring at Villa Adriana, Tivoli, Rome.
Cosmati work is highly decorative, with inlays of coloured stones, mosaic, glass and gold leaf. A feature of 12th Century Italian architecture, it is named after the Cosma family who were its traditional exponents.
De Ferranti has rediscovered and nurtured this ancient craft and will design, commission and install fabulously detailed Cosmati walls and floors to special order.
One of many from De Ferranti's Cosmati series.
Product Specifications:
Length: 20
Thickness: 2
Width: 20
Finishes: Antiqued, Custom, Handcut, Handmade, Patinated, Waxed
More about Cosmati:
The Cosmati were a Roman family, seven members of which, for four generations, were skillful architects, sculptors and workers in decorative geometric mosaic, mostly for church floors.
A unique form of classical mosaic, Cosmati is extraordinarily decorative, with swirling bands of intricate stone and glass and gilded mosaic contrasted with highly polished white marble. Often used for pavements, Cosmati also decorates architectural elements such as walls and columns.
Inspired by Byzantine mosaic, Cosmati was a technique exclusive to three generations of the Cosma family, working in Rome from the 12th Century. Central to Romanesque architecture, fine examples of their work can be seen throughout Italy…but are concentrated in Rome where they had the patronage of the Pope.
Suprisingly though, London is home to two exceptional Cosmati floors. In 1269, the newly appointed Abbott of Westminster travelled to Rome and was dazzled by the richness of the mosaics. Returning to England, he commissioned workmen and materials from Italy to create Cosmati pavements for Westminster Abbey. The masterpiece is the ’Great Pavement’ in front of the High Altar, completed in 1268.
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